Bill Windle QSO Party
September 27
Here is a special invitation for you to join in the fun during the Bill Windle QSO Party (BWQP), formerly known as the FOC QSO Party (FOCQP), that we schedule twice a year. Many members have reported this is their favourite operating event! The idea behind the BWQP is to offer a stress-free opportunity for members to meet and greet both other members and nonmembers. Each one of us can make this event what you want it to be – some get on for a few casual QSOs, others spend several hours on different bands and still others treat it like a miniMarathon. The basic concept is to work as many stations as you can over the 24-hour period. All the contacts made during both BWQPs count for all the FOC awards. So, if you are chasing Windles, Augies, or WAFOC etc, this is a good opportunity to fill in the stations you still need to work. The BWQP runs for a 24-hour period from 0000z to 2359z. Call ‘CQ BW’ from 015 to 040kHz on all bands, excluding the WARC bands. The exchange is: RST, name, and FOC number (non-members send RST and name). Many also engage in longer QSOs; it is entirely up to you! Please note we still call ‘CQ BW’ to initiate a QSO, a tribute to Bill Windle who did so much to foster activity in our Club will be continued. Having your results listed has been a problem with a few stray emails. Ray, G4FON (SK) developed a new reporting method that allows you to simply enter your results into a web form that will assure that your report is received.
To report your results, use this address: FOCQP.g4foc.org Reports are due 7 days after the event. A complete list of the stations who do report will be included in FOCUS, and on our public website. Handsome certificates are awarded to members and non-members on each continent reporting the highest number of QSOs. Please do not email results to the previous address as these will not be tabulated.