Silent keys

This page is dedicated to FOC members who have become Silent Keys.
They will be greatly missed by the amateur radio community.

To read our final tribute click on SK Obituary

Call sign FOC # Name SK Date Note
W4HY 1364 Larry Sutherland April 1, 1999
YO3AC 1153 Andy Guirgea March 1, 1999
K5MM 1365 Dale Jones January 1, 1999
K5VO 1667 Bill Wise June 1, 1998
W2XN 1399 Bob Scully April 1, 1998
F9VN 1534 Herve Choliet April 1, 1998
ZL3GQ 1307 Peter Watson April 1, 1998
G3US 866 Ron Shadlock April 1, 1998
G3DCV 649 Alan Watson March 1, 1998
G3JHF 965 Les Easter August 1, 1997
N2DAN 909 Steve Nurkiewicz June 1, 1997
DL1FL 1048 Alfred Muller May 1, 1997 Obituary
G3JFF 702 Mike Matthews May 1, 1997 Obituary
G3DRQ 1146 Eric Freestone April 1, 1997
Z23JO 13 Mal Geddes April 1, 1997 Obituary
DL8CT 1119 Hel Stubing March 1, 1997 Obituary
G2HPF 1588 Harry Lowe February 1, 1997
ZL1AXM 1013 Ken Cook January 1, 1997
F8RU 1326 Ted Robinson January 1, 1997
W3ML 1130 George Reifenstein November 1, 1996
G3BIQ 1429 Buggy Burgoyne October 1, 1996
K8ONV 945 Mary Ryden September 1, 1996
G3AAQ 1033 Jake Jacobs May 1, 1996
VK1PG 1416 John Gore May 1, 1996
G3TLX 1000 R. Goodman February 1, 1996

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