The FOC Reflector is a place where members can swap notes about various CW-related activities. It is also used by Committee to post important announcement regarding the club and its members.
Posts to the reflector are not moderated but controversial and inappropriate subjects should be avoided. Please be sensitive to your subject matter and think twice before hitting the “send” key. Any member may draw Committee’s attention to an objectionable post for investigation.
You must be registered in order to access the reflector. New members are sent an invitation do do this after they receive their FOC number from the Membership Secretary.
Note: The email address that you register must be the one you use to post a message on the reflector. You can change your email address, or a second sending address, using the “settings” option in your account.
Once registered you will receive an email each time a new post is made. You may also sign into the group via the website and elect, instead, to receive a daily digest of posts.
The Reflector managers may be reached at:
REFLECTOR GUIDELINES (updated 1 Sept. 2002)
By joining the FOC Reflector you agree that…
- The Reflector is intended for the exchange of information on FOC and CW related topics, radios and antennas, members’ on-the-air activity, Marathon, BWQP and the like.
- The reflector should be viewed as an extension of our ham bands. Most hams, by convention, avoid discussing religion, politics, abortion, etc. on the air. These subjects are not permitted on the FOC Reflector. Comments judged to be inappropriate by the reflector manager(s) may result in a warning, suspension, or removal of reflector privileges.
- Constructive input to Committee is welcome, but attacks on, or criticism of, individuals or groups is not acceptable.
- Postings are [generally] not moderated, but a member may be placed on moderated status at the discretion of the FOC Committee following posts deemed to be inappropriate.
- Please do not post personal messages, intended for only one or two members, to the full group. Use the “Reply only to sender” option or send a direct message off-reflector.
- Be considerate of members who get the Daily Digest format of postings: please trim your quotes.
- FOC is a Club with enormous resources and skill. We are all privileged to be members. Treat each member with respect, behave with good manners and keep our friendships in good repair.